KB engineering team has many years of experience in dismantling, relocation, fabrication, erection and start-up of complete plant. We can provide engineering works for project development, feasibility study, conceptual engineering, detail engineering, and project management.

Our team can supply a team of experienced manufacturing and process design professionals who will support your in-house team with engineering needs for projects and maintenance, regardless of size.


KB process team is one of KB’s assets and expertise. Our process team possess the skill to evaluate alternatives and provide assessment what will be the effect on existing equipment and processes.


KB civil team can provide site development, plant building designs, structural for machineries and process equipment and other civil works. With our experienced, we can retrofit new machineries and process equipment to existing structures for installation.



KB mechanical team is our main asset and expertise. We can provide equipment layout, equipment installation details, drive equipment specifications, and other various mechanical works.



KB electrical team has the capabilities of; designing of power distribution, machine drive systems, various motor controls, and utilities.


Instrumentation and Process Control

KB instrumentation and process control team is specialize in the design and development of any process control configuration. We can provide complete distributed control system (DCS) and quality control system (QCS) on a turn-key basis.
